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Applesauce packaging solutions

Pouch packaging provides eco-conscious solutions that keep applesauce safe and fresh from fill through end-use.

A delight for all ages, perfect for growing kids

Applesauce, cherished for its simplicity and wholesomeness, transcends age boundaries, making it a versatile staple in households. While it's enjoyed by everyone, recent trends show a particular focus on making applesauce more kid-friendly, especially in terms of packaging. Parents value packaging that supports their children's journey to self-feeding, with designs that encourage independence and ease of use. According to consumer insights, families prefer packaging that grows with their child's needs, balancing safety and convenience. SIG's innovative spouted pouches cater to these evolving preferences. They offer practical, recycle-ready options that maintain the freshness and natural flavor of applesauce, aligning with the desires of health-conscious, environmentally-aware consumers.

Child-safe caps

Count on spouted pouches to keep your little ones safe with Toynorm-compliant and choke-resistant cap solutions.

Snack time made easy

Allow consumers of all ages and abilities to feed themselves with easy-to-use spouted pouches.


Aseptic pouches ensure that the product inside retains maximum nutritional value for up to a year, without preservatives or cold chain logistics.

I'm looking for...

Pouch packaging for applesauce

  • Ship smarter with ecommerce-ready sustainable pouches
  • Typically lower carbon footprint than heavy rigid alternatives
  • Optimized product-to-package ratio, leaving less waste volume

Utilize this highly-convenient and portable package format to offer retail consumers a range of options, including: perfectly-portioned pouches for use on-the-go; reclosable family-size pouches of their favorite applesauce; and trial-size pouches that enable sampling of new flavors and varieties.

Pouch packaging is ideal for...

Technology/value headline

We’re on a journey to create packaging for better

Packaging that gives more to people and the planet than it takes out.


Removing more carbon than we emit

We deliver value for you by thinking end-to-end. Always.

Learn more about our solutions, from product innovation to packaging systems to smart production.

Our packaging solutions

Looking for a co-packer?

SIG can help!

We have a wide network of co-packers around the world that can help you get your products to market quickly and efficiently.
Learn more

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