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Privacy Policy

Last updated: January 2024

This Privacy Policy defines what personal data we collect, process, and use from visitors to our website (the “Site”) and other communication services that relate to this Privacy Policy (collectively referred to as “Services”).

The data controller for this website is SIG Group AG (“we”, “us”).

Unless you receive communications from a specific SIG Group company, SIG Group AG is responsible for the collection, processing, or use of your personal data.

Personal data

Personal data is all data that can – directly or indirectly – be used to identify you personally, such as your name, address, telephone number or e-mail address; other data such as your IP address may also qualify as personal data. It does not include aggregated information maintained in a form that is not capable of being associated with or reasonably linked to you.


What Personal Data We Collect

We may collect information that can personally identify you, such as:

Personal Information:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Your Company
  • Your job function
  • Your preferred language


Technical and Security Information:

We collect technical data for security reasons which include, but are not limited to:

  • The name of your internet service provider.
  • The website you visited us from.
  • The pages you visit on our website.
  • Your IP address.
  • IP address (for technical and security purposes).

These data are collected when you use our website, contact us by email, fill out our contact forms, or make use of our services offered on the website.

How we process your personal data

If you are a visitor to our website

Privacy notice

If you are a visitor to one of our premises.

Privacy notice

If you are a job applicant

Privacy notice

If you are a customer or potential customer of our goods and services

Privacy notice

If you are a Supplier

Privacy notice

If you are visiting from California, Brazil or China please see additional information below.






Tracking technologies, such as cookies, tags, pixels, fingerprinting, web beacons, and similar script, are used to store and/or share information about website visitors, their systems, and browsers. Information collected by cookies and tracking technologies varies depending on each website's components and can be of a personal nature (information that directly or indirectly identifies you) and of non-personal nature (information that does not directly or indirectly identify any single individual, such as cookies used to enable language settings on a website). Information of a personal nature may include, but is not limited to, details regarding the device you are using, the browser you are using, your IP address, the previous website you visited, whether you clicked on one of our ads, and your browsing behaviour.


Some of the cookies and tracking technologies that we use on our website are strictly necessary and they are there to technically enable the website and its components as well as to enable security measures. Strictly necessary cookies are activated without user consent because these are necessary for the website to work properly and in a secure way. All other cookies and tracking technologies not classified as strictly necessary are subject to consent from website visitors.

Cookie Notice

How we collect your personal data

You can use our website without disclosing your personal data. When you access our services, data may be automatically stored and processed, for example, for technical reasons, for security purposes or to provide a great user experience.  


In addition to the purely informational use of our services, we offer various options that you may use if you are interested. To do this, you will usually need to provide further personal data that we need to provide the respective service. Such personal data is provided voluntarily by you. You are free to choose what personal data you want to provide to us or whether you want to provide us with any personal data at all. However, some personal data, such as your name, address and information on your requested services, may be necessary for the performance of our contractual obligations. Without providing this personal data, you will not be able to use certain services. For example, when you contact us by e-mail or via the contact form on our website.


Passing on personal data to third parties

We may in certain circumstances transfer your personal data to third parties.

  • SIG group companies.
    To support our sales effort and the provision of our services, your personal data may be disclosed to SIG group companies.
  • Service providers and advisors.
    We may use external service providers and advisors to process your personal data and, for this purpose, may pass on personal data to these external service providers. Such services may include marketing campaign services, providing mailing or email services, tax and accounting services, conducting rewards, surveys or contests, performing customer service, performing data enhancement services, performing fraud prevention services, bug fixing support, performing web hosting services or providing analytic services, including analysis so that we can better understand your preferences and interests, personalize your experience and enhance the products and services. These external service providers were carefully selected by us and will be bound by appropriate data processing agreements to only process the data on SIG’s behalf and under its instructions, unless such service providers and advisors act as their own controllers (e.g., in the case we seek advice from lawyers).
  • Purchasers and third parties in connection with a business transaction.
    We may share personal data with third parties in connection with a SIG-related transaction, such as a merger, sale of SIG assets or shares, reorganization, financing, change of control or acquisition of all or a portion of our business, or in the event of a bankruptcy or similar proceedings.
  • Law enforcement, regulators and other parties for legal reasons.
    We may share your personal data with third parties as required by law or subpoena or if we reasonably believe that such action is necessary to (a) comply with the law and the reasonable requests of law enforcement; (b) to enforce our legal claims or to protect the security or integrity of our services; and/or (c) to exercise or protect the rights, property or personal safety of SIG employees, our visitors or others.
  • Otherwise with consent.
    We may disclose an individual’s personal data to certain other third parties with that individual’s consent.
International Data Transfers

Data collected from this website may be transferred to our systems which are in Germany and Romania. This data will fall under the protection of the EU Regulation 2016/679 General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).

It is possible that personal data may be passed on to companies in countries outside the European Economic Area if, for example, one of our servers or service providers is located in a country outside the European Economic Area. These countries may not have data protection laws comparable to those of the European Economic Area. If we disclose your personal data outside the European Economic Area, we will take appropriate steps to ensure that your personal data remains protected in a manner consistent with the level of protection afforded by the European Economic Area, by, inter alia, concluding so-called Standard Contractual Clauses that have been adopted by the European Commission. You can request a copy of our Standard Contractual Clauses and further information on each international data transfer covering your personal data by using the contact details set out in the section “How to contact us”. 



Our website is hosted on servers operated in the European Economic Area. We take reasonable precautions to protect your personal data from unauthorized access. These are adapted to the current state of the art in each case. The data is stored in a sealed, certified data centre on secure computers. The data is stored and encrypted where appropriate. We regularly review our security policies and procedures to ensure the security of our systems. However, the transmission of data via the Internet does not guarantee 100% security of the data transmitted to our website. In the event that any personal data under our control is compromised as a result of a breach of security, we will take reasonable steps to investigate the situation and, where appropriate, notify those individuals whose personal data may have been compromised and take other steps in accordance with any applicable laws and regulations, such as notifying competent data protection authorities.


Storage duration

As a matter of principle, we will only store your personal data for as long as it is necessary for the purposes for which it was collected in accordance with this data protection declaration, unless we are legally obliged to store it for a longer period of time (e.g. for the fulfilment of storage periods under tax and commercial law).

If you signed up for our promotional emails, we will delete your respective personal data if you unsubscribe from receiving our promotional emails. However, we will store your email address in a blacklist to ensure that you will not receive any further communication.

The specific privacy notices above detail the storage duration for specific activities.


Links to other websites and features

If you follow a link to a third-party website that is contained on our services, please note that these websites and features are governed by the privacy notices of these third parties and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for their notices. We strongly recommend that you read their privacy notices and terms of use to understand how they collect, use, share and otherwise process personal data. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content on the websites of third-party sites. 


Your rights

You have the following rights in respect to your personal data that we hold:

  • Right of access. The right to obtain access to your personal data.
  • Right to rectification. The right to obtain rectification of your personal data without undue delay where that personal data is inaccurate or incomplete.
  • Right to erasure. The right to obtain the erasure of your personal data without undue delay in certain circumstances, such as where the personal data is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was collected or processed.
  • Right to restriction. The right to obtain restriction of our processing of your personal data in certain circumstances, such as, where the accuracy of the personal data is contested by you, for a period of time enabling us to verify the accuracy of that personal data.
  • Right to portability. The right to portability allows you to move, copy or transfer personal data easily from one organization to another.
  • Right to object. You have a right to object to any processing based on our legitimate interests where there are grounds relating to your particular situation. You can object to marketing activities for any reason whatsoever.

If you wish to exercise one of these rights, please contact us by using the contact details set out in the section “How to contact us”.

In addition to the above listed rights, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with your local data protection authority. However, we encourage you to first reach out to us by using the contact set in the section “How to contact us” so that you have an opportunity to address your concerns directly and find a solution together before you do lodge a complaint. 

To the extent, you have provided your consent, you may withdraw such consent at any time with effect for the future by contacting us using the contact details set out in the section “How to contact us”. With regard to your consent in relation to our use of cookies, please see under “How to withdraw consent for our use of Tracking Technology”.


Online privacy notice updates

We may make changes to our privacy notice from time to time and will indicate these by changing the “Last Updated” date at the beginning of this privacy notice. Please review our policies regularly, as updated policies will apply to your future use of our services.


Californian Visitors

Your California privacy rights.

If you are a resident of the State of California, the following applies to you. As provided by California Civil Code Section 1798.83, a California resident who has provided information to a business with whom they have established a business relationship for personal, family, or household purposes (“California customer”) is entitled to request information about whether the business has disclosed personal information to any third parties for the third parties’ direct marketing purposes. In general, if the business has made such a disclosure of such information, upon receipt of a request by a California customer, the business is required to provide a list of all third parties to whom personal information was disclosed in the preceding calendar year, as well as a list of the categories of personal information that were collected and/or disclosed. To request such information, to review and/or change your information retained by us, or if you have questions regarding the process please email us at the address below.  Please allow 30 days for a response. Please note that we are only required to respond to two requests per customer each year and you will not be charged for this request.


“Do not track” signals

Some newer browsers have a Do Not Track (“DNT”) feature that lets you tell websites that you do not want your online activities tracked.  When you choose to turn on the DNT setting in your browser, your browser sends a special signal to websites, ad networks, plug-in providers, and other web services you encounter while browsing to stop tracking your activity via cookies or other tracking technologies.  Scholle IPN does not track its website users over time and across third party websites and therefore does not respond to DNT signals. More information about third party tracking cookies that are used on our website can be found in our Cookie Notice.


Children under the age of 16

Our Site is not intended for or targeted to children under the age of 16. Scholle IPN will never knowingly solicit or collect personally identifiable information from a child under the age of 16 through the Sites without verifiable parental consent.  If we discover that a child under the age of 16 has submitted personally identifiable information without verifiable parental consent, we will delete that information.



How to contact us

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy notice or want to exercise your rights, you can contact us at: 

SIG International Services GmbH: 

Rurstraße 58

52441 Linnich Germany


Our data protection officer can be contacted at: