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Imprint / Terms of Use

SIG Group AG
Laufengasse 18
8212 Neuhausen


Tel. +41 52 543 1200

For investor relations inquiries or financial information requests please contact


Commercial Registry:
CH - 8200 Schaffhausen


Samuel Sigrist


Terms of Use

The contents of SIG's website may only be used within the framework of the applicable laws and the following terms of use. In particular, the use of contact data such as postal addresses, telephone or fax numbers or e-mail addresses or other comparable data published in the imprint or otherwise by third parties for the purpose of sending unsolicited information is prohibited. In the event of a breach of this prohibition, SIG expressly reserves the right to take legal action against the senders of spam e-mails.



All rights reserved. The content including images and design of this website is protected by copyright and other laws for the protection of intellectual property. It is not permitted to disseminate or alter the content of these web pages including frames or undertake any similar actions. Nor may the said content be copied, disseminated, altered or made available to third parties for commercial purposes.


Rights in provided documents

You remain owner of all property rights for patents, trademarks and copyrights on your documents sent to SIG and are also responsible for their protection. If you provide SIG with documents, you give SIG the right to handle those documents free of charge by observing the valid legislation and in particular the data protection.



The information placed at your disposal on this website by SIG has been compiled with the greatest care and is regularly updated. However, despite meticulous care, it cannot be guaranteed that this information is without error. SIG therefore excludes all liability in respect of the accuracy, completeness or actuality of the information provided on this website. This applies also and in particular to websites referred to by hyperlink. These are third-party sites, the content of which is beyond our control. SIG therefore expressly excludes liability for the content of such sites. Nor is SIG in any way responsible for the data protection precautions taken by the operators of such sites.

SIG reserves the right at any time and without prior notice to alter or amend the information or data provided. Insofar as our Internet pages contain statements regarding possible future developments, these statements are based on the beliefs and assessments of the SIG management and therefore entail risk and uncertainty. SIG is under no obligation to update such future-oriented statements. Liability for such statements is expressly excluded.



Unless otherwise stated, all trademarks used on SIG Internet pages are registered trademarks protected by law. This applies above all to corporate logos and identifying marks.


Rights of License

No duplication, dissemination, reproduction, transmission or other use is permitted without the written approval of SIG. In particular, no license rights on the intellectual property of SIG Combibloc shall be granted by SIG's website.