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Our system solutions

At SIG, we stand for better – delivering better for customers, for consumers, and for the world.
Package search
Striving for better is at the core of everything we do. It inspires us to create the most sustainable packaging solutions across categories and channels. It inspires us to deliver innovative and flexible solutions, to pioneer technology, and to ultimately help transform customers' business for the better. It inspires us to work in partnership with our customers to bring food products to consumers in a safe, sustainable, and affordable way.

Supporting you from idea to execution

We deliver value for customers by thinking end-to-end. Always.

Our packaging systems

From spouted pouch, to carton, to bag-in-box, our complete packaging systems are designed to protect and deliver your products, just as you intend.

Packaging systems

Our service solutions

We strive to ensure your filling operations run smoothly and efficiently by combining industry knowledge with state-of-the-art technology to address key issues in food and beverage.

Our services

Sustainable packaging systems

Our spouted pouch, carton, and bag-in-box solutions offer a wide range of sustainability benefits, including carbon footprint reductions, plastic reductions, and more.

Sustainable packaging

Always innovating

Creating is better together. We work with you to find the best product formulations across a variety of food & beverage categories, occasions, and channels to accelerate innovation.

Product innovation