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SIG Blog

Stay ahead on the key topics shaping your business, with news and stories designed to inform, inspire and innovate the food and beverage industry.
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enero 25, 2021
Una nueva era de envases
En la parte final de nuestra Colección Conéctar a Más, miramos atrás a las posibilidades de los envases conectados, impulsando una nueva era de productos más inteligentes e interactivos
octubre 29, 2020
Conectando con el futuro
En la cuarta parte de nuestra colección " Conectar con más ", vemos lo que los consumidores pueden esperar en el futuro de los envases conectados
agosto 25, 2020
Enhancing the experience
In part three of our Connect to More series, we take a look at how food and beverage brands are reaping the rewards of connected packaging
julio 16, 2020
Taking engagement to the next level
In part two of our Connect to More series, we highlight brands beyond the food and beverage industry that are unlocking the potential of smart and connected packaging
junio 17, 2020
The power of connected packaging
In part one of our Connect to More series, we explore the real-world possibilities of connected packaging – now and in the future