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El comienzo de la sostenibilidad

En la parte dos de nuestra colección de seis partes de "Líderes Verdes", observamos cómo las marcas, Ørsted e Ikea, están asumiendo el reto de utilizar materiales y recursos sostenibles
En la parte dos de nuestra colección de seis partes de "Líderes Verdes", observamos cómo las marcas, Ørsted e Ikea, están asumiendo el reto de usar materiales y recursos sostenibles

En la primera parte de nuestra colección, establecimos que ser respetuoso con el medio ambiente funciona. Las tendencias de los consumidores hacia las compras ecológicas, y su disposición a pagar una sobreprecio por ello, ha empujado a más y más compañías a poner iniciativas verdes en la parte superior de su declaración de misión de negocios.

Ahora veremos cómo dos de estas empresas, Ikea y Ørsted, están aplicando esas iniciativas a la forma en que obtienen, utilizan y reutilizan sus materiales, y cómo puede inspirar cambios en los métodos y procesos utilizados por la industria de alimentos y bebidas.

Ikea’s pledge

Long known for its ubiquitous presence in homes and offices across the globe, Ikea made its name off well-designed goods and furnishings at an approachable price. So it’s fitting that they’ve designed their new sustainability goals around the materials they use and reducing their environmental impact. Knowing that the resources and materials to make their products are not infinite, Ikea has pledged to use only recycled and renewable materials by 2030. And they’ve already made great strides to get there, with 60% of their current materials coming from renewable sources and 10% from recycled.

Ikea has focused on light-weight constructions to minimise material use, completely done away with single-use plastics in all their furnishings, restaurants and cafes, and are using combinations of renewable and recycled materials to build items such as mattresses. Additionally, they’ve pledged to not only use products like wood from sustainable sources but are researching and developing promising new textiles derived from wood cellulose as alternatives to oil-based fabrics like nylon.

Their pledge doesn’t stop at materials for furnishings. Sustainable practices extend to sourcing for their lines of food and beverages as well. Ikea’s coffees, chocolates, teas, and more utilise organic farming, origin tracing and smarter farming practices. They also ensure sustainable alternative options for the foods served in their cafés and bistros are available as well; for example, plant-based meatballs.

Ørsted’s long game

For Ørsted, being the largest wind-driven energy company in the world comes with challenges and responsibility. Windfarms often sit on or near fragile ecosystems, many in offshore maritime environments. Ensuring that construction of their farms has minimal adverse effects on the surrounding environment and wildlife is why Ørsted developed their offshore wind biodiversity policy to oversee every aspect of their process. All angles are explored; from selecting a location and studying potential environmental impacts to reducing the negative impacts they’ll bring to the seabed and marine mammals.

Taking all these aspects into account means the development of a windfarm can take anywhere from 3-10 years. Still, their careful, in-depth approach means a lifespan of up to 25 years of delivering emission-free energy. That strategy has led to Ørsted being named the most sustainable company in the world for 2020.

Unpackaging the lessons

Ikea and Ørsted’s commitment to better use of materials and resources offers valuable insights and inspiration for the food and beverage industry in ensuring more sustainable products. Ikea’s innovative solutions for managing their supply chain from the source, and only using recyclable and renewable materials shows that traditional means of developing products are not set in stone. Today, for example, we’re seeing a drive towards even more responsible products with packaging that’s aluminium free and uses plant-based polymers.

Ørsted’s focus on long-term strategy shows the value of designing and building systems to minimise potential negative impacts. These fully realised strategies play well into the increasingly adopted practices of a circular economy, namely reducing waste starting at the design stage and ensuring all materials are responsibly sourced at the point of origin, and choosing packaging that comes with FSC certification.

El enfoque de SIG

¿Quieres saber sobre el enfoque de SIG en cuanto a materiales y recursos? Conozca nuestro compromiso con el aprovisionamiento responsable. Vea cómo nos asociamos con proveedores que apoyan nuestra ambición positiva neta. Y cómo obtenemos todos nuestros materiales clave de fuentes responsables y certificadas. Así, cada cliente y consumidor puede estar seguro de que los bienes que compra se producen de manera que respetando a las partes implicadas y minimizando los riesgos para el medio ambiente.

En la tercera parte de nuestra colección, continuaremos nuestra investigación sobre las empresas más sostenibles del mundo. Exploraremos cómo el pensamiento holístico ha llevado a Nike y a Adidas a centrar sus esfuerzos en un impacto ambiental reducido mediante una combinación de gestión de las cadenas de suministro, supervisión y seguimiento, y financiación de proyectos ambientales y comunitarios. Y veremos cómo estos métodos podrían aplicarse a la industria de alimentos y bebidas.

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