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SIG Blog

Stay ahead on the key topics shaping your business, with news and stories designed to inform, inspire and innovate the food and beverage industry.

Etiqueta: Augmented reality

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enero 25, 2021
Una nueva era de envases
En la última entrega de la serie Conectar más, volvemos la mirada a las posibilidades de los envases conectados, que impulsan una nueva era de productos más inteligentes e interactivos
agosto 25, 2020
Mejorar la experiencia
En la tercera parte de nuestra serie Conéctate a Más, vemos cómo las marcas de alimentos y bebidas están cosechando las recompensas de los envases conectados
julio 16, 2020
Taking engagement to the next level
In part two of our Connect to More series, we highlight brands beyond the food and beverage industry that are unlocking the potential of smart and connected packaging
julio 04, 2018
Turning packs into experiences
The connection between packaging and consumers is becoming ever-more digital. We explore the possibilities created when innovative technology meets interactive content. What if your bag of chips got you home safely af...
marzo 06, 2018
The future of packaging is connected
In the third part of our VISION series, Ayed Katrangi, SIG’s Senior Product Manager Automation and Digitalization, explores the huge opportunities and possibilities being created by connected packaging What exactly i...