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marzo 25, 2025
SIG Terra portfolio with double-digit growth in 2024
SIG is proud to announce the continued success of its SIG Terra portfolio, with a 15% increase in sales for SIG Terra packaging materials for aseptic cartons in 2024. The growth is well above the strong 6% overall revenue growth of the company’s carton packaging and demonstrating the unbroken increase in market demand for sustainable packaging solutions. SIG Terra is SIG’s marker for sustainable packaging innovations, which the company constantly evolves for better.
marzo 19, 2025
SIG issues €625m Eurobond following recent Moody’s investment grade rating
SIG has successfully placed a five year €625 million Eurobond with an annual coupon of 3.75%.
Ad hoc
febrero 25, 2025
Resilient revenue growth coupled with solid financial performance
• 2024 Group revenue growth at constant currency of 4.3% • 2024 Group revenue growth at constant currency and constant resin of 3.9% • 2024 carton revenue growth at constant currency of 6.0% with strong volume growth despite subdued end-markets • 2024 bag-in-box and spouted pouch revenue decline of 5.0%, back to growth in H2 with +2.5% (H1 2024: decline of 12.2%), at constant currency and constant resin • 2024 adjusted EBITDA margin of 24.6% (2023: 24.9%) • Slight reduction in net leverage to 2.6x (31 December 2023: 2.7x) • 2025 outlook: 3-5% constant currency and constant resin revenue growth and adjusted EBTIDA margin within 24.5 to 25.5% range. Mid-term guidance confirmed • Proposed dividend of CHF 0.49 per share (2023: CHF 0.48 per share), paid from the foreign capital contribution reserves

Últimas entradas del blog

marzo 20, 2025

Expert take: driving growth in functional drinks

Functional drinks are here to stay for good with tangible health benefits and innovative use of ingredients. Let us hear what the SIG expert thinks about the future of this category
marzo 13, 2025

Leveraging coaching and mentoring for employee growth and retention

In today’s fast-paced and competitive business environment, organizations are increasingly focusing on the development of their employees. At SIG, we recognize that coaching and mentoring are not just tools for individual growth but are also critical strategies for enhancing career pathing, succession planning, and ultimately, retaining top talent.
marzo 06, 2025

3 essentials for success in baby food

As the baby food industry evolves, explore the three must-haves that are helping brands stand out

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