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Life after lockdown

In part one of our new Post-Pandemic World series, we kick-off our journey into the new normal and the long-term impacts of COVID-19
In part one of our new Post-Pandemic World series, we kick-off our journey into the new normal and the long-term impacts of COVID-19

In our recent Keeping the Chain Going series, we looked at the immediate impact of COVID-19 on the food and beverage industry. With national lockdowns, restricted airspace and closed borders, global supply chains have been reeling from a series of unprecedented challenges. And, with widespread quarantines and social distancing, the pandemic has been affecting the way consumers choose, purchase and consume products.

COVID-19 as a crisis is far from over. But as countries begin to reopen, as restrictions gradually lift, and as pockets of consumer spending return, all eyes are looking ahead to the ‘next normal’. And as the world adjusts to life after the pandemic, the question is will things ever be the same again? Will consumer behaviours return to what they were like before? How are businesses transforming the way they operate? And has the food and beverage industry changed forever?

What happens next?

While it may be too early to pinpoint every long-term consequence of COVID-19, industry analysts are beginning to map out the new world ahead. Current consumer research, for example, shows that few expect to go back to their old behaviours any time soon, and will now shop with a greater awareness for food safety, transparency and responsibility.

Product innovation may have stalled recently but in the months and years of recovery, we can expect a renewed vigour when it comes to new launches, with brands and producers fighting back to emerge from the crisis even stronger. The same can be expected for manufacturers and their efforts towards digital transformation – accelerating the shift to more digital solutions, remote services and low-touch activities.   

On top of this, the COVID-19 pandemic has acutely highlighted the importance for brands and businesses to demonstrate a serious commitment to society, the environment, and the communities in which they operate. As a result, we can certainly expect companies to adopt more responsible and caring practices together with more sustainable products.

A post-pandemic world

In this Post-Pandemic World series, we’ll be exploring some of the key trends and expectations of life after COVID-19. We’ll look at the challenges brands and producers may face but also the huge opportunities on the horizon. And we’ll highlight how SIG’s portfolio of packaging, technology, services and solutions is ready to realise them.

Look out for part two of our series when we’ll explore the different kinds of consumer spending, behaviours, habits and preferences we can expect after COVID-19 – and what this means for food and beverage products.