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SIG Blog

Stay ahead on the key topics shaping your business, with news and stories designed to inform, inspire and innovate the food and beverage industry.

Tag: Technology

juin 26, 2019
Établir des liens grâce à l’emballage
Avec l’utilisation croissante des emballages connectés, nous avons entrepris de découvrir comment les consommateurs l’utilisent réellement et ce que les marques peuvent faire pour libérer son véritable potentiel
juin 20, 2019
Usines du futur
Dans la troisième partie de la série Les grandes questions, qui explore l’avenir de l’industrie alimentaire et des boissons, nous imaginons ce à quoi pourraient ressembler les usines intelligentes et comment elles fonctionneront dans le monde de demain
janvier 25, 2019
Démarrer, grandir et croître
Dans la deuxième partie de notre série sur SIG Plant 360 Controller, nous examinons les avantages d’une solution numérique modulaire qui peut être adaptée aux besoins opérationnels du fabricant
janvier 22, 2019
Optimiser tous les angles
Dans la première partie de notre série sur SIG Plant 360 Controller, nous examinons comment cette nouvelle solution numérique peut aider à transformer tous les aspects des opérations d’une usine de remplissage
décembre 18, 2018
Innovating our industry
To cap off another great year at SIG, we’ve earned the accolade of ‘Digital Innovator’ for our pioneering partnership with GE Digital As 2018 draws to a close, SIG can look back on another eventful and successful year...
novembre 15, 2018
Seeing through the supply chain
With calls for industry transparency growing, SIG’s Senior Product Manager Digitalization & Automatization, Ayed Katrangi, discusses its impact on the supply chain Why are we seeing a greater need for visibility i...
novembre 12, 2018
Cartons for good update
Our unique flagship project, Cartons for Good, has made some great strides this year and is now close to kick-starting operations In our last Cartons for Good update in April, we looked at how this flagship project of...
novembre 09, 2018
Powering digital transformation
What is digital industrial? And how is it transforming our industry? Find out in an exclusive new report by GE Digital in partnership with SIG Rising costs. Shrinking margins. Ever-changing consumer preferences. There...
novembre 05, 2018
Faces of net positive
How can companies like SIG deliver on net positive goals? To find out watch part three of our exclusive Faces of Net Positive series, featuring Gregory Norris, the co-director of the Sustainability and Health Initiati...
octobre 31, 2018
Faces of net positive
Why is getting net positive such a challenging task? We put this question and others to Gregory Norris, the internationally acclaimed Life Cycle Analysis expert, in our exclusive Faces of Net Positive series. Learn m...
octobre 30, 2018
Faces of net positive
What is handprinting and how is it related to the Net Positive Initiative? Watch Gregory Norris, the pioneer of handprinting, shed light on the idea in our exclusive Faces of Net Positive series. Learn more about SI...
octobre 24, 2018
Wearables at work
With wearable technology becoming a part of our daily lives, we explore its potential for businesses in closing the gap between information and action From smart watches and fitness trackers to virtual reality headset...