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SIG Blog

Stay ahead on the key topics shaping your business, with news and stories designed to inform, inspire and innovate the food and beverage industry.
Rethinking recycling
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enero 28, 2020
Asociación para el Reciclaje
Las tasas de reciclaje de los envases de cartón de bebidas aumentan constantemente. ¿Cómo podemos reciclar aún más, incluso con más rapidez? Todos los integrantes de la cadena de valor tienen un papel vital que desempeñar, por lo que la asociación es fundamental.
enero 09, 2020
Regenerating not just recycling resources
In part three of our Rethinking Recycling series, we look at how beverage cartons go beyond recycling by regenerating natural resources. Made mainly from renewable materials, their environmental performance is already very good and recycling further enhances their contribution to the circular economy.
noviembre 20, 2019
Recycling: How cartons compare
In part 1 of our recycling series, we dispelled the myth that beverage cartons can’t be recycled. Now, in part 2, we take a look at how cartons compare with other packaging when it comes to recycling
octubre 25, 2019
How cartons are recycled
Beverage cartons are fully recyclable. But there’s a common misperception that cartons, caps or closures can’t be recycled. We want to dispel this myth to encourage more consumers to recycle their cartons and preserve...