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Making the right impact

In part five of our series looking ahead to a Post-Pandemic World, we examine how companies will be under pressure to be more sustainable and socially responsible
In part five of our series looking ahead to a Post-Pandemic World, we examine how companies will be under pressure to be more sustainable and socially responsible 

Throughout our Post-Pandemic World series, we’ve looked at some of the long-term implications of COVID-19 on the food and beverage industry – from how consumers will likely behave and the products set to be in demand to the anticipated acceleration of the digital transformation. But as the industry adjusts to the next normal, it’s not only what companies produce that’s being carefully analysed. It’s also how they act and what they offer the world. Because in the post-corona era, it’s clear that the role of business will be scrutinised more than ever.   

Rising to the challenge

A wider consequence of COVID-19 has been the ignition of a new and urgent conversation about how businesses can better support people, society and the environment. In fact, the pandemic has acutely highlighted the brands and businesses that have a proven commitment to society and the communities in which they operate. And those that don’t.

As the world went into lockdown, we saw some major companies and renowned CEOs make the headlines for all the wrong reasons. With misguided actions and a lack of long-term considerations, several businesses have suffered and seen their reputations irreparably damaged. Because consumers aren’t likely to forget who rose to the challenge of the crisis – and who didn’t. Ultimately, the coronavirus has shown just how important it is for companies to be responsible and consider their impact.

Coming together as one

In the food and beverage industry, many producers and manufacturers were defined as businesses providing essential services. This saw many companies not only running day and night to maintain the supply of food but repurposing their production to make sanitising products, offering generous charitable donations, and pledging financial security to employees. 

At SIG, we responded with our own range of projects and initiatives to stand up to COVID-19 – to protect our employees, serve our communities, and support our customers and supply chains during a period of uncertainty. It’s been encouraging to see so many companies and organisations coming together to help overcome this crisis. But what now? What more can brands and producers do to ensure a positive impact in a post-pandemic world?

A better recovery

Recently, SIG joined the call for governments to ensure that the recovery of COVID-19 supports the transition to a zero-carbon economy and delivers on the climate goals of the Paris Agreement. Recover Better is a joint statement from companies in the Science-Based Targets initiative together with the UN Global Compact. It forms the largest-ever UN-backed CEO-led climate advocacy effort. And it gives the global business community an opportunity to ensure a better recovery from the COVID-19 and climate crises.

In addition to global partnerships like these, now is the time for brands and producers to consider how they can effectively minimise the footprint of their products and processes. At SIG, we’ve imbedded sustainability at the heart of our business. And we’re going WAY BEYOND GOOD to create a net-positive food packaging system, and support customers in their own efforts to be more sustainable.

This means everything from ensuring materials are sourced responsibly and providing even more sustainable packaging solutions to minimising waste and fostering more recycling. So in the post-pandemic world, SIG is ready to help you make the right impact – creating value for consumers, society and the environment.  

Don’t miss the final part of our Post-Pandemic World series when we’ll recap all the stories so far and look ahead to what else we can expect in a time after COVID-19.

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