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Rimanete aggiornati sugli argomenti chiave che influenzano il vostro business, con notizie e storie per informare, ispirare e innovare l'industria alimentare e delle bevande.
Recycling in action
giugno 22, 2020
Recycling in action: Shared responsibility, shared benefits
Shared responsibility encourages collaboration to boost recycling rates. Brazil is embracing this principle and the Cidade+Recicleiros programme enables cities, companies and communities to share both the responsibility and the benefits of recycling.
maggio 19, 2020
Recycling in Action - Supporting communities in the coronavirus crisis
The coronavirus pandemic has turned the world upside down. In this unprecedented crisis, governments around the globe have taken radical steps to encourage people to stay home and stay safe.
aprile 24, 2020
Recycling in action: Partnering with municipalities to get results
SIG’s Cidade+ Recicleiros programme in Brazil is helping municipalities invest in effective systems for the selective collection of waste so recyclable packaging can be separated for recycling.
marzo 27, 2020
Recycling in action: Collaborating on waste collection
A strong focus on recycling in Brazil has inspired businesses, cities and communities to come together to create exciting new models to increase the rate of used packaging being recycled.
febbraio 25, 2020
Recycling in Action: Rewarding recycling
Our last series on Rethinking Recycling showed that beverage cartons are fully recyclable and explored the benefits of recycling. In this series on Recycling in Action, we take a closer look at some of the innovative models we’re creating to boost recycling rates.