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agosto 30, 2024
SIG launches second project with WWF Switzerland to support thriving forests in Malaysia
In partnership with WWF Switzerland and WWF Malaysia, SIG has launched a three and half-year forest landscape project in Malaysia’s Ulu Muda Forest Complex through WWF’s Forests Forward program. The project aims to improve the management of more than 170,000 hectares and pilot the restoration of 25 hectares.
agosto 06, 2024
Saudi Arabia: Alesayi expands packaging and product portfolio with state-of-the art BIB packaging system from SIG
Alesayi Beverage Corporation, a leading beverage manufacturer in Saudi Arabia since 1959 with 60% market share in the energy drinks’ category, is partnering with SIG to expand its product and packaging portfolio. Using a state-of-the-art SIG SureFill 42 Aseptic BIB filling system, Alesayi will launch exciting new products in hotels, restaurants and cafes (HoReCa).
Ad hoc
luglio 29, 2024
Quarter on quarter sequential improvement across KPIs
H1 2024 results • Q2 2024 revenue growth, at constant currency, +5.7% (constant currency and constant resin(1) +5.4%), following 0% growth in Q1 2024 • HY 2024 revenue growth, at constant currency, +3.0% (constant currency and constant resin(1) +2.9%) • Q2 2024 adjusted EBITDA margin 25.1% (Q2 2023: 25.7%); +360 bps vs. Q1 2024 • HY 2024 adjusted EBITDA margin 23.5%; (HY 2023: 24.9%) • 2024 guidance updated: - revenue growth(2) of around 4%, +/-50 bps (previously at low end of 4-6%) - adjusted EBITDA margin at lower end of 24 to 25% range (previously lower half of 25-26% range) • Mid-term guidance confirmed: revenue growth(2) in the upper half of 4-6% range, adjusted EBITDA margin above 27%, net capex 7-9% of revenue

Ultimi post del blog

agosto 30, 2024
Proteggere le foreste e la biodiversità in Malesia con il WWF
La storia completa del secondo progetto appena lanciato da SIG in collaborazione con WWF-Svizzera, WWF-Malesia e Forests Forward per ripristinare e migliorare la gestione del complesso forestale Ulu Muda in Malesia.
agosto 29, 2024
Perché gli alimenti a lunga conservazione sono destinati a rimanere
Nella prima parte della nostra nuova serie, "La forza degli alimenti a lunga conservazione", esploriamo gli alimenti shelf-stable e analizziamo i vantaggi offerti da questa diversa categoria.
agosto 15, 2024
La storia dello yogurt da bere
Uno spuntino. Una bevanda. Un dessert. Lo yogurt è un alimento versatile da migliaia di anni. Scopriamo come lo yogurt da bere si è evoluto in una bevanda apprezzata in tutto il mondo.

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Our journey to create packaging for better and give more to people and planet than we take.


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We provide packaging for better – better for customers, consumers, and the world.