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SIG Blog

Stay ahead on the key topics shaping your business, with news and stories designed to inform, inspire and innovate the food and beverage industry.

Etiqueta: Transformación digital

SIG BLOG Nov Heroimagedesktop
diciembre 09, 2021
Transformación digital en la industria de alimentos y bebidas
El mundo conectado en el que vivimos ha transformado las reglas del juego en distintos aspectos de nuestras vidas, y el sector industrial no es ajeno a estos cambios. Hoy, las demandas de los consumidores se han multiplicado globalmente, exigiendo a los productores de alimentos y bebidas, fábricas y plantas de llenado por igual, a operar a una escala sin precedentes.
marzo 10, 2020
Seeing into the future
In part five of our Digital Discovery series, we delve into a growing trend that lies at the very heart of digital transformation – predictive maintenance
febrero 04, 2020
Driving the logistical revolution
In part four of our Digital Discovery series, we see how logistics 4.0 is driving the future of supply chain management, promising greater flexibility and transparency
noviembre 11, 2019
The new world of work
In part five of The Big Questions series, imagining the future of the food and beverage industry, we take a look at the future of jobs in manufacturing
octubre 02, 2019
The next generation network
In part three of our Digital Discovery series, we put the spotlight on the new 5G standard to see just how much it could revolutionise industries
septiembre 11, 2019
agosto 29, 2019
Making machines learn
In part two of our Digital Discovery series, we look at how artificial intelligence is impacting industries with machines that can think and work like us
agosto 13, 2019
Keeping pace with digital
In part one of our Digital Discovery series, we look at how the digital transformation of industry is well underway and why it’s crucial to keep up with the latest smart factory innovations
junio 20, 2019
Factories of the future
In part three of The Big Questions series, exploring the future of the food and beverage industry, we imagine how smart factories might look and function in tomorrow’s world
abril 25, 2019
On the road to transformation
Looking back on this year’s Hannover Messe in Germany, it’s clear that achieving digital transformation is now the critical goal for all industries
abril 05, 2019
New kid on the blockchain
Blockchain technology is revolutionising the financial sector but could it do the same in the food and beverage industry? Min-Kin Mak, Vice President Corporate Development & Digital Transformation at SIG, explores the...