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SIG Blog

Stay ahead on the key topics shaping your business, with news and stories designed to inform, inspire and innovate the food and beverage industry.

Etiqueta: Industria del empaque

agosto 29, 2019
Making machines learn
In part two of our Digital Discovery series, we look at how artificial intelligence is impacting industries with machines that can think and work like us
agosto 13, 2019
Keeping pace with digital
In part one of our Digital Discovery series, we look at how the digital transformation of industry is well underway and why it’s crucial to keep up with the latest smart factory innovations
agosto 07, 2019
Lactose-free living
In part two of our Changing Tastes series, we put the spotlight on the sizable and successful lactose-free segment that’s spreading around the world
julio 17, 2019
Connecting to conscious consumers
In part two of our Connect to Nature series, we explore the global issues consumers care about and how sustainability can lead to greater brand engagement
julio 11, 2019
A world without plastic
In part four of The Big Questions series, imagining the future of the food and beverage industry, we ask whether plastic packaging could ever disappear
julio 05, 2019
Being clear on sustainability
In part one of our new Connect to Nature series, we see why it’s more important than ever for businesses to show they’re supporting sustainability
junio 26, 2019
Making connections with packaging
With use of connected packaging growing, we set out to discover how consumers are really using it and what brands can do to unlock its true potential
abril 12, 2019
The top four trends in packaging
From connected packs and e-commerce to recycling and plastic-free, Mintel has revealed the big trends impacting the global packaging industry in 2019 and beyond
marzo 28, 2019
The future of packaging
In part one of The Big Questions series, a collection of stories imagining the future of the food and beverage industry, we take a look at how packaging could evolve in the coming decades
febrero 05, 2019
Driving new product development in Asia
SIG’s new Tech Centre in China is ready to help Asia-Pacific food and beverage producers develop new product concepts and market-ready packaging solutions. We explore how
enero 25, 2019
Start, scale & grow
In part two of our spotlight series on SIG Plant 360 Controller, we look at the benefits of a modular digital solution that can be scaled to the manufacturer's exact operational needs
enero 22, 2019
Optimise every angle
In part one of our spotlight series on SIG Plant 360 Controller, we look at how this new digital solution can help transform every aspect of a filling plant’s operations