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Tag: Connected packaging

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Januar 25, 2021
Vernetzung für die Zukunft
Was bedeutet die wachsende Verbreitung von intelligenten Verpackungslösungen für die Zukunft? Durch verstärkte Investitionen in diese Technologie gibt es jetzt Verpackungslösungen, die Konsument*innen helfen eine nachhaltige Wahl zu treffen oder ihr Produkt zu authentifizieren durch maximale Transparenz. Und das ist erst der Anfang …
Oktober 29, 2020
Connecting to the future
In part four of our Connect to More series, we take a look at what consumers can expect from connected packaging in the future
Juni 17, 2020
The power of connected packaging
In part one of our Connect to More series, we explore the real-world possibilities of connected packaging – now and in the future
Oktober 30, 2019
Connect to nature with SIG
In part five of our Connect to Nature series, we roundup the journey so far and look at how you can take the next step to sustainability with SIG
September 06, 2019
Closing the loop on packaging
In part four of our Connect to Nature series, we look at how digital technology can help close the loop on packaging and drive true sustainability
August 02, 2019
Making supply chains sustainable
In the next part of our Connect to Nature series, we take a look at how connected packaging can help supply chains become more sustainable and efficient
Februar 07, 2019
To better reach and engage consumers, products now need to stand out in both the physical and digital worlds. We explore how with connected packaging
März 06, 2018
The future of packaging is connected
In the third part of our VISION series, Ayed Katrangi, SIG’s Senior Product Manager Automation and Digitalization, explores the huge opportunities and possibilities being created by connected packaging What exactly i...