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Tag: Beverage cartons

SIG 2021 Standoutofomnichannel 6 Desktop
März 10, 2022
Um sich von der Masse abzuheben, müssen Sie die besten Möglichkeiten finden, Ihre Marke zu präsentieren. Aber wie können Sie herausfinden, was für Sie am besten funktioniert? Lesen Sie weiter in unserem Bericht über Im Omnichannel hervorstechen.
SIG 2021 Transparency Track PART5 Heroimage Desktop V1
Oktober 05, 2021
Im fünften Teil unserer Artikelreihe Markentransparenz untersuchen wir, wie und warum Hersteller ihre Verbraucher gezielt über die Verpackung ansprechen.
April 02, 2020
The power of water
In part five of our World of Water series, we recap all our stories so far, highlighting the growing potential and possibilities of packaged water
März 02, 2020
From paper to packaging
In part four of our World Behind the Pack series, we look at just what it takes to create our lightweight, protective and ready-to-fill carton sleeves
Februar 25, 2020
Recycling in Action: Rewarding recycling
Our last series on Rethinking Recycling showed that beverage cartons are fully recyclable and explored the benefits of recycling. In this series on Recycling in Action, we take a closer look at some of the innovative models we’re creating to boost recycling rates.
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Januar 28, 2020
Partnering for recycling
Recycling rates for beverage cartons are steadily increasing. But how can we recycle even more, even faster? Everyone along the value chain has a vital role to play so partnership is key
Januar 09, 2020
Regenerating not just recycling resources
In part three of our Rethinking Recycling series, we look at how beverage cartons go beyond recycling by regenerating natural resources. Made mainly from renewable materials, their environmental performance is already very good and recycling further enhances their contribution to the circular economy.
Oktober 25, 2019
How cartons are recycled
Beverage cartons are fully recyclable. But there’s a common misperception that cartons, caps or closures can’t be recycled. We want to dispel this myth to encourage more consumers to recycle their cartons and preserve...
September 27, 2019
Towards a circular economy
What exactly does it take to create a circular economy? We look at the core principles of driving a new way to design, make, and use everyday products
Juli 26, 2019
Responsible aluminium: from mine to carton
Beverage cartons made with ASI-certified aluminium will soon be hitting the supermarket shelves for the first time thanks to SIG’s ASI certification – an industry first.