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SIG carton packs debut in Japan

December 12, 2019

Tokyo-based 50-50 joint venture DNP • SIG Combibloc Co., Ltd has announced that pioneering dairy manufacturer Moriyama is the first customer in Japan to run commercial production using SIG filling technology and the first to offer premium ready-to-drink (RTD) products in SIG carton packs locally filled in Japan.

Japan is one of the most competitive and highly developed markets for food and beverages in the world, with innovation being the key to success. Food safety and quality is of paramount importance with extremely high requirements on both aseptic and industrial standards. SIG’s market entry in Japan with Moriyama clearly demonstrates such high-quality standards, for both filling technology and packaging.

Moriyama’s new premium RTD products, in combifitMidi and combiblocMidi 1000 ml aseptic carton packs from SIG, will be filled at the company’s production plant in Kanagawa Prefecture on a CFA 812 filling machine from SIG. The new products, including cocoa, organic tea and organic coffee, and packaging fit perfectly within Moriyama’s extensive and diverse product portfolio, offering a high level of differentiation in such a mature and challenging environment.

Motoo Ohkaku, Joint General Manager Marketing Division & Business Promotion Division IV at Moriyama: “Our company goal is to constantly provide differentiation and innovation to the RTD market. We will keep aiming for this, as well as focusing on sales and growth through our close relationship with DNP and SIG. Using filling technology from SIG, we will continue to launch product concepts which meet the highest quality levels of the Japanese market, offering true innovation via advanced filling and processing technology to keep up with ever-changing consumer needs.”

Moriyama is also an important co-packer within the Japanese market and the new filling technology from SIG will benefit this side of its business, helping to expand its market position in the longer term.

Lawrence Fok, President and General Manager Asia-Pacific at SIG: “The main focus of our joint venture with DNP is to provide greater differentiation and added value in carton packaging, technology and services in the food and beverage industry in Japan. With SIG's product and packaging solutions, manufacturers will have significantly more flexibility to meet current and future market and consumer demands. In particular, our drinksplus solution and the volume flexibility of SIG’s filling machines make it possible for food and beverage manufacturers to create completely new product segments. With drinksplus, manufacturers can include value-adding extras such as real fruit or vegetable pieces, nuts or cereal grains to beverages in carton packs. Moriyama is our perfect Japanese market entry customer, having built up such an excellent reputation in the RTD sector, also with wide multichannel distribution. We’re excited at the innovation to come, as we continue to work closely with the forward-thinking team at Moriyama.”

DNP • SIG Combibloc Co., Ltd and Moriyama work together on product innovation and differentiation as part of SIG’s Value Proposition, which aims to deliver innovative product and packaging solutions that enable businesses to satisfy ever-changing needs.


About SIG

SIG is a leading systems and solutions provider for aseptic packaging. We work in partnership with our customers to bring food products to consumers around the world in a safe, sustainable and affordable way. Our unique technology and outstanding innovation capacity enable us to provide our customers with end-to-end solutions for differentiated products, smarter factories and connected packs, all to address the ever-changing needs of consumers.

Founded 1853, SIG is headquartered in Neuhausen, Switzerland. The skills and experience of our approximately 5,000 employees worldwide enable us to respond quickly and effectively to the needs of our customers in over 60 countries. In 2018, SIG produced more than 35 billion carton packs and generated €1.7 billion in revenue. For more information, visit

Moriyama - rgb

Tokyo-based 50-50 joint venture DNP • SIG Combibloc Co., Ltd has announced that pioneering dairy manufacturer Moriyama is the first customer in Japan to run commercial production using SIG filling technology and the first to offer premium RTD products in SIG carton packs locally filled in Japan. Moriyama’s new premium RTD products, in combifitMidi and combiblocMidi 1000 ml aseptic carton packs from SIG, include cocoa, organic tea and organic coffee.

SIG carton packs debut in Japan

Moriyama - RGB Version 

Moriyama - CMYK Version