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Tag: Recycling

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February 02, 2023
How does the recycling value chain work?
In part three of Recycling Spotlight, we go behind the scenes of the recycling process to examine what happens once consumers have done their bit.
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December 15, 2022
Driving up recycling with consumer engagement
In part two of Recycling Spotlight, we examine the role of clear communication and transparency to boost recycling.
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November 17, 2022
In our new Recycling Spotlight series, we dig into industry developments, regulations and consumer trends to show how recycling is everyone’s business.
August 06, 2020
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January 28, 2020
Partnering for recycling
Recycling rates for beverage cartons are steadily increasing. But how can we recycle even more, even faster? Everyone along the value chain has a vital role to play so partnership is key
January 09, 2020
Regenerating not just recycling resources
In part three of our Rethinking Recycling series, we look at how beverage cartons go beyond recycling by regenerating natural resources. Made mainly from renewable materials, their environmental performance is already very good and recycling further enhances their contribution to the circular economy.
October 25, 2019
How cartons are recycled
Beverage cartons are fully recyclable. But there’s a common misperception that cartons, caps or closures can’t be recycled. We want to dispel this myth to encourage more consumers to recycle their cartons and preserve...
September 27, 2019
Towards a circular economy
What exactly does it take to create a circular economy? We look at the core principles of driving a new way to design, make, and use everyday products
September 06, 2019
Closing the loop on packaging
In part four of our Connect to Nature series, we look at how digital technology can help close the loop on packaging and drive true sustainability
February 20, 2019
From trash to treasure
The potential of recycling goes far beyond consumer products with many new buildings now made almost entirely of repurposed packaging and materials