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Certified to the highest standards

Product safety and quality as well as environmental, safety and information security management are essential requirements for us to satisfy the needs of our customers from around the world.

We use independent third-party certifications to recognized external standards to demonstrate our robust management of sustainability and ESG topics, and support continuous improvement in line with best practice. These certifications include ASI, FSC™ (Forest Stewardship Council™ trademark licence code: FSC™ C020428), GFSI, ISCC PLUS, ISO 14001, ISO 14040, ISO 14044, ISO 27001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001, ISO 9001, LEED, and SEDEX.


Discover how independent agencies rate our performance on our External Ratings page, where we showcase our dedication to meeting global standards.


ASI CoC certification

BRC GS Packaging certification, Campo Largo/Brazil

​BRC GS Packaging certification, Eisfeld/Germany

BRC GS Packaging certification, Linnich/Germany

BRC GS Packaging certification, Queretaro/Mexico

​BRC GS Packaging certification, Rayong/Thailand

BRC GS Packaging certification, Riyadh/Saudi-Arabia

​BRC GS Packaging certification, Saalfelden/Austria

BRC GS Packaging certification, SIG allCap Neuhausen/Switzerland

​BRC GS Packaging certification, Suzhou/China PSO (18 Wang Jiang Road, Carton Packaging)

​BRC GS Packaging certification, Suzhou/China PSU (399 Xing Long Street, Carton Packaging)

​BRC GS Packaging certification, Suzhou/China PSZ (18 Wang Jiang Road, Carton Packaging)