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SIG 基金会支持保护环境并对社区产生积极影响的创新项目。物尽其用是所有倡议的共同目标。这也适用于社区回收计划 "循环利用造福人类",该计划旨在将可回收材料重新投入循环利用。



废物对水和土壤的污染是我们环境面临的最大问题之一。 “循环利用造福人类” 是SIG 的 Resource+ 承诺的一部分。到 2025 年,我们全球公司的目标是将其对环境的影响减半,为社会带来的利益翻倍。 “循环利用造福人类” 旨在鼓励消费者将使用过的包装和其他可回收材料(如饮料纸盒、食用油、纸板、铝或玻璃)带到回收点进行回收。第一个 “循环利用造福人类” 回收点于 2023 年 3 月在印度尼西亚雅加达开放使用。

Circular economy to protect the environment

SIG's commitment goes beyond immediate measures. The globally active company is working with industry colleagues and associations to improve the recycling of beverage cartons.


The SIG Foundation supports this vision through Recycle for Good, an initiative designed to boost recycling rates and promote mindful use of natural resources.


自 2018 年以来,SIG 一直支持巴西的社会初创企业 SO+MA,旨在激励社区进行回收利用并推广具有环保意识的行为。有了这些经验和 SO+MA 的支持,基金会制定了全球 “循环利用造福人类” 计划,该计划首先在印度尼西亚推出,随后将进行推广。印度尼西亚人口众多,对生态环境的潜在影响非常大,但前提是人们逐渐开始采用更加环保的生活方式。

Collecting is the Way to Go

Recycle for Good promotes recycling of used packaging, including beverage cartons, glass, plastic, and more. Since launching the first collection booth in Jakarta in March 2023, the initiative has expanded to numerous collection points citywide, along with household collection services.

Acting with Purpose


印度尼西亚的 “循环利用造福人类” 计划旨在满足城市人口的生活方式需求。人们通过社交媒体和线下了解在雅加达东部 Cibubur Junction 的购物中心知道该回收点。当地回收合作伙伴 Armadakemasan 的员工在投放容器中接受可回收物品,并向消费者宣传回收的重要性以及循环经济对环境的积极影响。


“循环利用造福人类” 旨在通过向个人和社区展示回收的价值来改变人们的观念。


Support us in making a real impact

Join us with your expertise, resources, or financial support to enhance our initiative impact on the environment.

Your support can help us expand Recycle for Good and extend its benefits to more communities. Together, we can create a win-win for people and our planet.


Recycle for Good is a transformative initiative addressing critical environmental issues, fostering partnerships, and demonstrating our commitment to positive global impact.


Join us in conserving resources, recycling materials, and inspiring behavior change.

Learn More

Discover how Recycle for Good aligns with our vision for sustainable development and how you can contribute to its ongoing success.