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Thế giới sau đại dịch
tháng 8 20, 2020
A changed world
In the final part of our series examining a Post-Pandemic World, we round-up our stories and look ahead to what we can expect in the new normal
tháng 8 05, 2020
Making the right impact
In part five of our series looking ahead to a Post-Pandemic World, we examine how companies will be under pressure to be more sustainable and socially responsible
tháng 7 23, 2020
The digital acceleration
In part four of our series exploring a Post-Pandemic World, we look ahead to the anticipated acceleration in digital, remote and low-touch solutions
tháng 7 08, 2020
A time to innovate
In part three of our series exploring a Post-Pandemic World, we examine why product innovation and differentiation will be even more critical after COVID-19
tháng 6 23, 2020
The post-corona consumer
In part two of our Post-Pandemic World series, we explore the kinds of consumer spending, behaviours, habits and preferences we can expect after COVID-19
tháng 6 11, 2020
Life after lockdown
In part one of our new Post-Pandemic World series, we kick-off our journey into the new normal and the long-term impacts of COVID-19