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The top 5 consumer priorities

Food and beverage consumption patterns vary as per location. But which factors make the cut irrespective of where consumers are?
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Sustenance, as a basic human need, lies at the heart of what makes food and beverage such an important part of how we function as humans. Take a day in our everyday life and count the number of times we eat, drink, cook, or feed someone. The sheer number speaks for itself. And a choice is being made for every instance of consumption. No wonder food and beverage consumption trends are often volatile and reflect the changes in the society around us.

In the previous posts, we examined the difference in priorities depending on consumption location – at home, on the go, or at a restaurant. But what are the most important factors no matter where they are? Interestingly, the top 5 trends share a common thread across the world.

Getting their money’s worth

As the world reels under rising costs and uncertainties, consumers want value for money in food and beverages, seeking affordability without compromising quality. Although price point is a vital consideration in many markets, consumers are willing to pay a premium if they think the product offers value on multiple fronts, from functional benefits and nutritional quotient to improved taste and enhanced experience.

Health in every dish 

Wellness claims are no longer limited to traditional health foods. Today’s consumers look for food and beverage that align with their health goals. And from low-sugar beverages to products with a variety of functional benefits as discussed in our series Functionality Rules, consumers have a wide choice. And this trend is here to stay, so much so that improving cognitive function via foods is a top ask in 2023.

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The staying power of plants

Plant-based diets have been making the list for a few years now. But the power of plants is now extended to plant-forward diets that prioritize vegetables and plant-based proteins like legumes even for meat eaters. Going beyond meat alternatives, plant-based dishes that use a plethora of vegetables, fruits, and grains creatively are taking center stage in people’s diets.

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Tech is integral

Dependency on technology is so ingrained that it has ceased to be a consideration for consumers. But for manufacturers and food service outlets, integrating technology in the way they interact with their consumers is a must-do. Take online ordering, daily groceries or takeaway, the way customer feedback is gathered, payment is made, or information is dispensed – it all comes down to innovative use of technology on omnichannel.

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Sustainability is a differentiator  

Sustainability is a mainstream consideration today for consumers, especially the younger generation. They are factoring it in for everyday food and beverage purchases, choosing sustainable brands by default. The shift also includes reducing food waste and looking for less or recyclable packaging. All in all, more consumers are adopting a more sustainable lifestyle.

Communicating it right

Although manufacturers are onboard these trends, effective communication is key to showcasing their commitment to meeting consumer demands. Packaging has a crucial role here, serving as a visual representation of a brand's values and dispensing important information – such as certifications, sourcing, ingredients – factors that foster trust and help consumers make informed decisions. And with solutions like connected pack, space constraints on packs can be a thing of the past. Reach out to SIG to explore how you can engage with your customers via packaging.

In the final part of the series, we will look back at our view through the consumption lens, reviewing how consumers want different things at different times when it comes to food and beverage. Get the recap post straight in your inbox by subscribing to our exclusive bi-weekly newsletter.

Post date
  • июль 27, 2023