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Creating more thriving forests is a core objective of our sustainability strategy WAY BEYOND GOOD.

Through our partnership with WWF Switzerland, we support projects on the ground that improve the sustainability, biodiversity and resilience of forests.

As part of our lighthouse project, a large forest area in Mexico is being restored and protected to create habitat corridors for jaguars.

Innenseite 2 WWF

WWF and SIG will restore 750 hectares of destroyed forests by working directly with local communities in core areas to increase connectivity and resilience. Outside the forests, we will help improve agricultural practices.

Cultivated land will be permeable to wildlife, become resilient to climate change and provide increased income to local people. We will strengthen the governance and effective management of protected areas to create 100,000 hectares of effectively protected forests that benefit both people and biodiversity, such as jaguars.

Innenseite 3 Jaguar

In this project area, near the Marismas Nacionales Biosphere Reserve, there is a school that we would like to support with our donation instead of Christmas presents for business partners.

The school, which until now had to manage without electricity, was unfortunately devastated by a hurricane in autumn. With our support, the school will be rebuilt and at the same time a photovoltaic system will be installed, which will help to run fans during the hot season.

We are convinced that this will have a positive effect on the school performance and thus also on the prospects for a better future for the students.

Innenseite 4 Kinderprojekt
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    Post date
    • december 20, 2022