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Ad hoc
Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Quarter on quarter sequential improvement across KPIs

7月 29, 2024

H1 2024 trading update

  • Q2 2024 revenue growth, at constant currency, +5.7% (constant currency and con­stant resin1 +5.4%), following 0% growth in Q1 2024
  • HY 2024 revenue growth, at constant currency, +3.0% (constant currency and con­stant resin1 +2.9%)
  • Q2 2024 adjusted EBITDA margin 25.1% (Q2 2023: 25.7%); +360 bps vs. Q1 2024
  • HY 2024 adjusted EBITDA margin 23.5%; (HY 2023: 24.9%)
  • 2024 guidance updated:
    • revenue growth2 of around 4%, +/-50 bps (previously at low end of 4-6%)
    • adjusted EBITDA margin at lower end of 24 to 25% range (previously lower half of 25-26% range)
  • Mid-term guidance confirmed: revenue growth2 in the upper half of 4-6% range, ad­justed EBITDA margin above 27%, net capex 7-9% of revenue

1The resin escalator for the bag-in-box and spouted pouch businesses, which passes on movements in resin costs directly to customers, is excluded for year-on-year comparison purposes.

2Revenue growth at constant currency and constant resin

Quarter on quarter sequential improvement across KPIs

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