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SIG Blog

Stay ahead on the key topics shaping your business, with news and stories designed to inform, inspire and innovate the food and beverage industry.

Tag: Track and trace

SIG 2023 Blogimages The Traceability Value 1 Desktop 1920X590
6月 22, 2023
Navigating traceability
As transparent supply chains rise in the ranks, what makes up The traceability value? Explore different aspects of a traceable value chain in this new series.
SIG 2021 Transparency Track PART6 Heroimage Desktop V1
11月 04, 2021
Slow and steady wins the trace
How can brand traceability promote sustainability, help consumers improve their health, and ensure our industries operate under safer conditions? Read The Transparency Track part six for our series overview.
SIG 2021 Transparency Track PART4 Heroimage Desktop V3
8月 19, 2021
Sustainable storytelling
In part four of The Transparency Track series, we focus on the relationship between brand transparency and environmentally conscious consumers.
SIG 2021 Transparency Track PART2 Heroimage Desktop V1
6月 17, 2021
Getting to know our food
Consumers want to know more. About everything. From what a product is made of, to the calorie content. Also on the list? Knowing where ingredients come from. In part two of The Tracking Transparency series, we discuss what this means for the food and beverage industry.
SIG 2021 Transparency Track Heroimage Desktop V2
5月 12, 2021
Tracking the rise in traceability
Whether they are buying a beverage, snack or piece of furniture, today’s consumers are heavily influenced by brand and product transparency. So, what exactly does this entail, and why has it become a major topic of conversation? Read on in part one of The Transparency Track series.
5月 15, 2020
Making the most of megatrends
In the opening part of our Seizing Opportunities blog, we take a look at the megatrends which have had – and which will continue to have – the biggest impact on consumers and the food and beverage industry.