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Make your sustainability story stick

In the fourth part of Stand Out on Omnichannel, we focus on the importance of communication and storytelling in your sustainability journey.
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In the fourth part of Stand Out on Omnichannel, we focus on the importance of communication and storytelling in your sustainability journey.

Sustainability is a top priority today, and most food and beverage manufacturers are doing their bit. However, sustainability is a long journey, it is virtually impossible to be a sustainability leader suddenly. And that is the catch: how can a manufacturer tell their sustainability story when they are yet to achieve their green ambitions? And how can businesses align their sustainability communication with relevant stakeholders and also build trust in the process?

Say it aloud

It is better to tell small stories than no story at all as sustainability has evolved to be among one of the most vital topics that a business should speak about. Most companies have at least some sustainability initiatives in place, and it is important to publicise these without overselling their impact as it can help demonstrate that sustainability is at least on the agenda.

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Show and tell

Saying too much too early can be risky, and that can hold manufacturers back from building a communication strategy when the gains are small. But every step matters, and you can avoid accusations of greenwashing by weaving your communication around actionable and relatable proof points such as certifications and your ESG performance impact.  

Align your green ambitions

Today, all stakeholders – internal and external – expect businesses to have a long-term sustainability strategy in place. Dig deep into how your business can do better and define your ambition. Endorsing the ambition publicly while periodically reporting your progress can play an important role in fostering trust by showcasing your credibility.

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Own up if you fail

If your plan falls by the wayside, do not be afraid to own up –and follow up with a plan on how to get back on track. Businesses are scared of repercussions but sweeping mistakes under the carpet or misleading stakeholders can be disastrous for brands. Authenticity and transparency are the only way forward after a mistake.

Leverage your supply chain

Sustainability is not a solo journey. Every collaboration matters as your suppliers and partners bring something to the table. Therefore, creating the right partnerships can often aid your sustainability journey. For example, a pack of orange juice in a SIGNATURE 100 carton with information on where the oranges were sourced from can help elevate the sustainability credentials of a brand substantially.

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Storytelling is an important part of brand identity, but it cannot be done without the use of different channels, especially social media and the avenues it presents. In part five of the series, we will examine how you can score big on social media. Don’t miss this post and other insights – subscribe to our exclusive bi-weekly newsletter, SIGnals Update.