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Stay ahead on the key topics shaping your business, with news and stories designed to inform, inspire and innovate the food and beverage industry.

Tag: Interactive packaging

SIG 2021 Transparency Track PART5 Heroimage Desktop V1
October 05, 2021
Ready, Set – Engage
In part five of The Transparency Track series, we explore how and why manufacturers are using packaging to better engage with consumers.
SIG 2021 Transparency Track PART3 Heroimage Desktop V1
July 21, 2021
Focusing on food labels
In part three of The Tracking Transparency series, we turn the spotlight on nutrition labels. What information do they provide, and how important is this for consumers and manufacturers alike? Read on to find out ...
Connecttomore Heroimage Desktop
January 25, 2021
A new era of packaging
In the final part of our Connect to More series, we look back on the possibilities of connected packaging, driving a new age of smarter, more interactive products
October 29, 2020
Connecting to the future
In part four of our Connect to More series, we take a look at what consumers can expect from connected packaging in the future
August 25, 2020
Enhancing the experience
In part three of our Connect to More series, we take a look at how food and beverage brands are reaping the rewards of connected packaging
July 16, 2020
Taking engagement to the next level
In part two of our Connect to More series, we highlight brands beyond the food and beverage industry that are unlocking the potential of smart and connected packaging
June 17, 2020
The power of connected packaging
In part one of our Connect to More series, we explore the real-world possibilities of connected packaging – now and in the future